Monday, August 13, 2018


"Allicin, active ingrediant present in chopped garlic properties can attenuate hepato-toxic effects of Mono Sodium Glutamate (MSG) in experimental mice models", Dr. Elbezzoumy of Alexandria University, says.

During their experiment, they had exposed two groups of mice to subcutaneous 4 mg/g MSG doses for 45 days. Only one group was additionally provided 10 g/kg diet of garlic extract (1%).

Garlic extract was capable of reducing;

  • liver oxidative stress
  • liver tissue damage
  • hyperglycemia
  • hyperlipidemia
The researchers attribute these benefits mainly to supportive role of allicin in regeneration of glutathione system (a potent anti oxidant defense mechanism of human body) components. 

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J B B 1(1) 2010 © INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE PRESS Toxic Effects of Monosodium Glutamate on the Hepatic Tissue Damage of Rats and the Beneficial Role of Garlic Extract: Involvement of Oxidative Stress, Hyperlipidemia and Hyperglycemia ASHARF M. ELBESSOUMY1 , DOAA A. GHAREEB1 AND ASHRAF A. KHALIL

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