Tuesday, August 14, 2018


"Liver that account for detoxifying toxic material present in food, hence faces first challenges of food associated toxic hazard, is liable to Mono Sodium Glutamate (MSG) induced liver damage even at very low doses", Dr. Eveka who looked into matter with an animal experiment says.

The team had used two strengths of very low doses of MSG mixed in Growers' mash daily for 42 days. Histological changes in livers were examined after 42 days. Observed changes include:

  • Dilatation of central vein with lysed red cells
  • Cyto-architectural distortions of hepatocytes
  • Atrophic and degenerative liver changes 
Image result for central vein of liver cells

All examined biochemical parameters were elevated:
  • Aspartate aminotransferase (AST)
  • Alanine aminotransferase (ALT)
  • Total Protein
  • Albumin
Further, animals who exposed to higher MSG dose (.08 mg/kg) showed all changes more than mice who exposed to low MSG dosage (.04 mg/kg).

This study highlights two important facts;

1. It had used very low dosages (compare with usual doses used in MSG animal experiments - subcutaneous or oral 2 mg/kg or 4 mg/kg) in mixed feeds (NOT in forced feeds)

2. It's clear that even at these very low doses liver cells could be damaged.

As liver cells are subjected to first pass circulation, they are very vulnerable to toxins absorbed through intestine from food. That means liver faces first to food toxins and are liable to hepatocyte destruction. It is only when liver cells are significantly damaged,  blood levels of MSG rise and rest of the body expose to toxic MSG effects. 

Also read on higher doses of MSG needed in 'ad libitum' exposure to cause neuro toxic effects.


Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research – January 2011 – Vol. 1 N0.1  Histochemical Studies of the Effects of Monosodium Glutamate on the Liver of Adult Wistar Rats Eweka AO, Igbigbi PS, and Ucheya RE.

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