Sunday, August 12, 2018


China is the top producer as well as the top consumer of MSG. In 2014, they have consumed nearly 60% of global consumption of MSG.

 Image result for World MSG consumption

It was clearly mentioned in scientific literature regarding the connection of MSG consumption and increasing diabetic prevalence. Following graph demonstrate the static per capita sugar consumption in China over a 30 year period against skyrocketing diabetes prevalence. Also, note that even U.S. sugar consumption does not show close correlation with diabetes rates.

Related image

Below graph looks into, how MSG production in China closely correlate with China diabetes rise in question. Do you see any connection?

(Two graphs are not drawn in same time frame, but carefully compare 2005 - 2010 steep rise in diabetes in first graph with 2005 -2010 MSG production in second. note that 90% of world MSG production and 60% of world MSG consumption occur in China).


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