Tuesday, August 14, 2018


Mitochondria are the power houses of cells. Without energy produced by them, cells cannot efficiently function. Glutamate H+ co transporters at mitochondrial membrane helps to maintain optimal pH in these power houses. "However, these pumps can only utilize L-type glutamate", a Cambridge University molecular research team explains.

Processed Mono Sodium Glutamate (MSG), dominating flavor enhancer in modern food industry contains D-glutamate. Though, exact mechanisms of D-glutamate processing inside body are less clear, over consumers of D-type dietary glutamate sources have to be cautious, according to current single cell study.

Image result for mitochondria diagram


Identification of the mitochondrial glutamate transporter:
bacterial expression, reconstitution, functional characterization,
tissue distribution of two human isoforms*
Giuseppe Fiermon‡,t eLuigi Palmier‡i, Simona Todis‡c,o Gennaro Agrimi‡,
Ferdinando Pmalieri‡¶ and John E. Walk§e¶r
JBC Papers in Press. Published on March 15, 2002 as Manuscript M201572200

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